Making a Change

Together along with our partners we can realize a better world in which we impact positively on our environment,

our solution not only helps address 7 SDG's but has been rated as a profitable solution by the Solar Impulse Foundation.

14. Life Below Water

All rivers lead to the sea, so a healthy river means a healthier sea.

13. Climate Action

By CO2 Neutral fuels and reusing water we combat climate change & its impacts. A project for capturing the CO2 emitted in this process is in development and that will help us become CO2 Negative.

9. Industry Innovation & Infrastructure

We are introducing and promoting new technologies  that offer a zero discharge option that offer solutions to both economic and environmental challenges.

15. Life on Land

Our efforts are made to keep the vinasses away from our fragile ecosystems & to try to keep our land healthy and in conditions to promote biodiversity.

3. Good Health & Wellbeing

By avoiding that vinasses get discharged into the rivers and land, we manage to avoid sickness from the rural communities that depend on river water for living.

6. Clean Water & Sanitation

Vinasses are mostly composed of water, during our process we remove up to 80% of the water contained in them, we polish that water in order to re-integrate it into the production cycle.

7. Affordable & Clean Energy

Once vinasses have been concentrated, we atomize them into a hot chamber and create fire from the organic matter contained in them, using that thermal energy and creating process steam.